Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reducing Waste

I've just read about a town in England called Modbury that banned plastic bags a year ago. The movement was initiated by a woman by the name of Rebecca Hosking who was disgusted by the toll of plastic bags took on beaches and wildlife (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/05/AR2008050502223.html?wpisrc=newsletter). This has got me thinking about the things that I can do to minimize the waste that I create during my daily activities. Here's what I have planned so far:

  • Don't buy bottled water. At work, use a ceramic mug for water and tea. Use a reusable Sigg bottle (http://www.mysigg.com/) for carrying water around.

  • Don't buy tampons, menstrual pads or panty liners. Use the Diva Cup and Glad Rags panty liners (http://www.gladrags.com/).

I'll continue updating this list as solutions present themselves.